A word from the wise – forgiveness benefits the forgiver, too!

My latest blog on BuzzFeed is a kind of two-step dance…a photo log of quotes on forgiveness from celebrated figures such as Maya Angelou, Nelson Mandela and Mary Baker Eddy.  Then, based on the latter’s ideas on spirituality and healing, some of my own musings on why forgiving can be good for your health.

It is called: 7 (Healthy) Reasons To Let In The “Fresh Air” Of Forgiveness, and here is a sample photo:


Maya Angelou on forgiveness, by Tony Lobl



















(Read the blog on BuzzFeed!)

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Categories: Spirituality and Society

Author:Tony Lobl

I write and edit articles on spirituality from the perspective of the practice of Christian Science as an Associate Editor for the Christian Science periodicals. I studied at the University of Surrey earning a BSc Hons Degree in Modern Mathematics before the teachings of Christian Science transformed my life and re-shaped my career.


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