Tag Archives: cancer

Can We Dethrone “The Emperor of Maladies”?

Ken Burns’ new documentary series, “Cancer, the Emperor of All Maladies”, highlights “the longest running war in human history”. But beyond the ongoing scientific quest for a cure are there other ways people have found freedom from such a devastating diagnosis? Could the seed of what a writer recently called “arguably our most feared disease” […]

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Weighing Up Our Options When It Comes To Cancer

To screen or not to screen? That is the question – and it’s a controversial one. Many medics feel screening can too often be a slippery slope to potentially damaging and invasive treatments for something that might never actually develop. That has proved to be the case for prostate cancer screening in men, according to researchers in Canada. They […]

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“To be or not to be screened for cancer” – Shakespeare, Milton and the fear factor

To screen or not to screen, that is the question.  Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to [refuse to] suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous over-testing, Or to [sensibly] take arms against a sea of [diagnosed] troubles, And by opposing [hope to] end them?  With apologies to Shakespeare, his words rather lend themselves to […]

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Healing prayer narrative – spiritual healing of breast cancer

What is a healing prayer narrative? Immediately below is a link to the narrative of a prayer-based healing found on the internet.  (Click here for a more in-depth explanation of why we are highlighting it on this blog.) Healing of cancer (from Frost Illustrated)  Today, let me tell you a story about a very dear friend […]

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